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The Time is Flying and I Have a Wedding to Plan

     Greetings, one and all.  I have a couple minutes to myself this evening, and I thought I would pop in to say I haven't forgotten about you.  But I have bank accounts to manage and business licenses to get and zoning to apply for and a marriage license to obtain and a million tiny wedding preparations to make.  Life has been really busy.  I should be filling out my zoning application for my business license right now, but that can wait 5 more minutes, can't it?
     For me, the time is flying.  My wedding is less than 4 months away, and I still have so much to do.  It's a little overwhelming and the day will be here before I know it.
     For my fiance, the time is dragging slower than time has ever gone before in the history of the world.  It's funny how time is so relative and variant in how people perceive it.
     There's not a lot of time for self-reflection, which is a shame.  This is a great time to do that, especially as a writer.  Real-life experience to write all my future romances?  Awesome!
      I think everybody reacts a little differently to a proposal and engagement.  I personally walked around in a daze for about a week.  Everybody else was jumping up and down and squealing for me.  And I felt like I SHOULD have been doing that.  I felt like people were starting to get worried that I wasn't happy about the engagement.  But I was.  It's just that I was a little stunned by the enormity of what I had just agreed to.  It took about a week for it to all sink in and for me to stop staring at my well-wishers with the grave look of one who had just accepted the honor of being the first one to jump off a cliff in an untested parachute.
     That's a pretty romantic way to look at things, isn't it?  Lol.
     The fun part started after the week of adjustment was over.  That's when the sparkly light came into my eyes, and I became completely absorbed with how much I love this man and how eager I am to spend the rest of my life with him.  Last weekend, I spent the day at his apartment.  We danced all over the house, planning where furniture would go and how we would make this place our own.  There's something incredibly delightful about spending an afternoon this way.  :D  
     Wedding planning is fun.  It's kind of like choreographing a dance, and I'm actually enjoying it.  That's not to say that there aren't times when I throw my notebook down and announce to my family that I've changed my mind and I will be eloping.  They laugh at me and say that's fine.  Then I sheepishly retrieve my notebook and plod away again.  I guess it's true for everybody but there are some parts that are so easy to plan and some that are much harder.
     Add to that...I think I'm going to make my own dress.
     And it's not going to look exactly like this, although my fiance wouldn't mind if it did.

      Well, I'm going to sign out for the night.  And I hope to talk to you again before the wedding!


  1. How exciting! I am very happy for you!
    That dress is stunning.

  2. Congratulations!! Big time! I'm praying that all will go smoothly for you.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!!!!

  4. I can't even imagine how exciting this must be for you!!! I love reading all your posts about it, they're so fun :).


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