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Cover Reveal and Contest Announcement

Coming?  Uh-uh.  It's HERE!!!!!!

       We knew this day was coming.  We've been waiting for days, weeks, months to learn of the next Rooglewood contest.  Well, the day is finally here.  Today, Rooglewood announces the terms of their 2015-2016 contest.  Now for the cover and Rooglewood's description! Are you ready?

Rooglewood Press is delighted to introduce their third fairy tale novella contest—

Five Magic Spindles
a collection of “Sleeping Beauty” stories

     The challenge is to write a retelling of the beloved fairy tale in any genre or setting you like. Make certain your story is recognizably “Sleeping Beauty,” but have fun with it as well. Make it yours!
Rooglewood Press will be selecting five winners to be published in the Five Magic Spindles collection, which will be packaged up with the phenomenal cover you see here. Maybe your name will be one of the five listed? 

     All the contest rules and information (how to enter, story details, deadline etc.) may be found on the Rooglewood Press website. Just click HERE and you will go right to the page.

     Rooglewood Press’s first collection, Five Glass Slippers is available for purchase, and our second collection, Five Enchanted Roses is scheduled to launch on July 27, and is currently available for pre-order. Be certain to get a copy of each and see what previous winners did with their wonderful retellings.

So there you have it, folks!  It's time to sharpen your pencils and let your imagination craft a story worth reading.  I look forward to seeing what we all come up with for this contest, and I hope to see some of your names in the winners' list next year.  

Also...what do you think of the cover?  Pretty, isn't it?  Here is what Rooglewood told me about her: "This cover illustration was rendered by Julia Popova, “ForestGirl.” You can find out more about this gifted artist on her website:"  I love the forest setting and the fall colors.  Do you?

I want to hear your thoughts on everything so please leave me some comments.  Do you like the cover?  Have any ideas for your story -- did seeing the announcement prompt some creative musings?  Do you think you might enter?

Head over to Rooglewood's website for all the details on the contest.  And please feel free to take this button (see below) and post it on your own blog.

Can't wait to hear from you all!


  1. What a lovely cover! I like how it's warmer than the previous two.
    Best of luck to everyone entering!

  2. I was so excited to finally see this cover pop up in my inbox! It is absolutely gorgeous, as are all the other books in the "series". Personally, I am partial to the Five Enchanted Roses cover, but this one comes in a close second. Anyways, I am determined to enter this contest, and I have recently been reading through various versions of Sleeping Beauty. Just reading through these stories sends my head spinning with ideas, and I think I've finally grasped hold of one that interests me. There's so much more that needs to be fleshed out, but I am so excited to start writing it once my idea is developed, and I know that no matter the outcome of this contest, I'll come out with a wonderful story.

  3. I've got a couple ideas, but I'll have to see how they flesh out. The tricky part for me is finding the right balance of old and new. (An original retelling that is fresh and exciting but that still carries enough of the old tale to be recognizable.)


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