Greetings, fellow writers and readers! I am joining an event this month, hosted over at Anne-girl's blog . I have never done a plot bunny challenge before and am curious to try it.
At first, I thought that focusing on plot bunnies might be a distraction from my current projects, but then I realized what an amazing exercise this is. Coming up with new ideas is not hard, but this event requires that you write back-cover blurbs and the 1st scene of the story. Making those two things interesting enough to grab the attention of the reader is not something I have put a lot of time into yet. So this will be an awesome opportunity to practice.
The requirements for this event are as follows:
1. Put her button on my blog (done! -- see the cute bunny picture above?)
2. Leave the link to my blog in Anne-girl's comments (so she can list me on her blog as one of the joinees)
2. Begin 8 plot bunnies in June
2a. Must post back cover blurb on my blog
2b. Must post 1st scene of story on my blog
2c. Optional activities:
- brainstorming sessions
- Beautiful People event for characters in my plot bunny
- plot treatments
- be interviewed on Anne-girl's blog
-- being interviewed means you email Annegirl,
she sends you questions which you answer,
and then she posts your answers on her blog.
Anne-girl and her friend Wilbur will pick a winning plot bunny each week, and the winner gets a free "for fun" book cover. Look to the right of your screen. Do you see the "for fun" book covers for Dungeon and for Ariana's Island? Those were done by Anne-girl. Pretty cool, huh?
For more information, go to Anne-girl's post titled Bunnies, Delays, and Other Things Good and Bad.
Thanks for joining in!