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Fantasy Month Game of Tag

Jack (at However Improbable) sort of tagged me in this.  By which I mean, she said anyone who glanced at her post was tagged.  And I did.

1. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the last fantasy cast you read comes to help. Are they useful or no?

      Lord of the Rings was the last book I was reading.  Yes.  Stryder on my side?  We're definitely getting somewhere.
2. You go to bed one evening and wake up in the lair of the villain of the last fairy tale you read, where are you and how do you plan to get out?
The last fairy tale I read was the Snow White retelling (not yet published) by Heather Fitzgerald.  So I'm in a Persian "demoted palace" of sorts.  I've got to make myself look ugly and unimportant.  Maybe I can disguise myself as a worthless servant girl and sneak out.
3. You are transported into a fantasy realm and given a mythical creature as a companion and best friend… which mythical creature do you get?
Before this past year and a half, I didn't have a very positive association with Dragons.  But I've been introduced to some new stories, and I liked the Dragons in those.  If I can't have a Dragon, then I want the fox from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
4. In a strange series of coincidences, you end up needing to take the place of your favorite fantasy hero or heroine. Who are you? 
Can Star Wars be fantasy?  Can I be Ahsoka?  Or Rey?
5. To go along with question #4, now that you are that character, is there anything you would do differently than that character, now that you are running the show?
I probably wouldn't have ignored Luke's advice and sought out Kylo.  But it turned out okay for her the way she did it...
6. If you were yourself in a fantasy novel, what role do you think you would play in the story?
I don't know.  I'm pretty versatile.  I think I could be a heroine, but I'd also do well as a supporting character -- the girl who inspires the hero to do great things, and then she sneaks around with a bow and arrow in the forest to do background work to make his great things easier for him.
7. One morning, as you are going about your daily business, you pick up an everyday item and a voice booms in your head with prophetic words about your future. What object is it, and what is your prophecy?
I'd pick up my journal, and the voice would say, "You are come to the kingdom for such a time as this."
8. You are transported into a magical realm and turned into a mythical beast… what beast/fantasy creature do you want to be?
A dragon or a stag.  I would love to fly and breath fire and look cool.  I'd also love to majestically disappear into the forest and only appear when I want to.
9. If you could read your way into any fantasy realm, but the catch is that you can never leave, would you? Which realm would you choose?
I'd only want to go if God had a purpose for me there.  
In Narnia, it was like dual worlds, each important in His eyes.
That would be cool, and I would go anywhere if I was on His side.
But if it was just a make-believe escape from what I'm really supposed to be doing in THIS world...then, no, I wouldn't go there to stay.
10.  As you are going about your normal day, you discover that you have a magical power. What is it?
Invisibility, probably.  Or maybe flying.  Or moving things with my internal forces.

There you have it!  And, borrowing Jack's idea, anyone who glances at this post is hereby tagged.  Have fun!


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