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Esther Ramblings

  This is going to be a pretty random post - I'll warn you of that now, lol.

First of all, my world is covered in snow, and I'm pretty happy about it. I was a little bummed that I haven't developed relationships with sledding partners yet because I didn't have anybody to play in the snow with me. But, I went out about three times to shovel snow and clear my car, which is how grownups play in the snow anyway. So I still had fun.

Secondly, I feel like there are some things shifting in my world, and I'm evaluating where I'm supposed to be. Am I supposed to be meeting with this group of believers or that group of believers? Am I called to reach this culture or that culture? Do I work here or there?
I used to think all these big, life-altering, course-changing moments happened solely in your late teens. But I have found that they continue throughout your just don't freak out quite as much because you've seen God guide you through multiple times before.

Thirdly, I'm loving the ability to unapologetically write flawed characters. Characters whose flaws are also strengths.  I was thinking about Moriah in Blood of Beauty -- she's not cute or cuddly or sweet. She did not show love well. It was no wonder that the people mistook her for an evil queen. But I love her strengths.
It made me think of Katniss in the Hunger Games. She's not skilled at making friends, or small talk, or controlled speeches. Her goals are simply survival for herself and the few she truly loves. The writers didn't try to soften that or explain it away. No excuses were made for her. That is who she is and how she responded to her environment. And yet she not only survives but she changes the world. And you see how her strengths were the exact ones needed.

Four, I am beyond excited for the Facebook party on the 31st. I'm trying not to think about it too much so I don't build myself up for disappointment. I want to just go to the party with no expectations and enjoy it for what it is.

Speaking of the are going to be given a minute for speech-writing. Have you guys thought about that? Are you going to write a speech ahead of time, just in case? Or will you type something on the fly if needed?
At first, I was thinking I would prepare a speech ahead of time. That way, while I'm reeling from the news, I can just click "post" and trust that I said something coherent. No pressure because i was prepared.
But then I thought "who needs coherent?" We're all friends here and maybe my raw, fresh blurtings will be more real and meaningful than a carefully planned speech.
So I'm still undecided.
What are you planning to do?


  1. Loved your ramblings, Esther! And I'm not writing any speech in preparation, because I kinda want to be able to be incoherent and flailing if I win. Because I'm strange like that ;D.

    ~ Savannah | Scattered Scribblings

    1. I told Garrett that an appropriate speech would just say, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" LOL.

  2. We've had quite the dump of snow here too! I've learned that too, there are so many tough decisions to make.
    Hooray for flawed characters! Moriah does remind me a bit of Katniss.
    I'm so excited, but trying not to get too excited.
    I'm not writing a speech mainly because I don't think I will need one.

    1. I hope you're enjoying the snow!
      Yep, tough decisions. Part of life.
      I suppose it might be good practice to write a speech even if we don't need one, just for the experience of it. But yeah, I know. And like I said, we can do one on the spot if we need to.


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