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Beautiful People: Brant and Mason

Hi!  I'm linking up with Sky and Cait's Beautiful People: Sibling Edition this month.  You can check out Sky's hosting post here:

This time I will be talking about Brant and Mason, from my story "Broken Clouds."  They are brothers.  Brant's about 14 or 15 years old.  Mason is about 7 years old.  Here it goes!

1. What is the first memory they have of each other? Brant's first memory is coming home from spending the day at a friend's house and being introduced to his small, red, screaming brother.  Mason doesn't have a first memory -- Brant's just always been there.
2. Describe their relationship in 3 words. Brant is the protector, boss, and occasionally the creator-of-fun-things-to-do.  Mason is the I'm-cute, don't-be-mad-at-me, let's-do-something part of the relationship.
3. What kind of things do they like to do together? Get ice cream, go to the store, swing (Brant pushing the swing, of course), play ball.
4. What was their biggest fight? I don't think you can call them fights.  First of all, Brant is a lot bigger and stronger and smarter (due to age only) so he quickly wins in any situation.  Second of all, neither one is much of a fighter.  Brant is more likely to shut his own mouth and doggedly pursue his convictions in silence.  Mason is more likely to want to please as much as he can.
5. How far would they go to save each other? Brant would do anything to save Mason, and he would be smart and determined and hold nothing back from rescuing him.  Mason would do anything to save Brant, too, if he thought he could, but he's not very skilled at it.  
6. What are their pet peeves about each other? Brant is annoyed with Mason's eagerness to make friends and to please just anyone.  He thinks that Mason will be ruined by being too open with strangers.  Mason is sometimes annoyed that Brant is so bossy and sometimes grumpy.
7. What are their favorite things about each other? Mason has a way of seeing everything as new and wonderful.  Brant likes that, even while he worries over it.  And Mason's favorite thing is the way his brother thinks of fun things to do.
8. What traits do they share? Mannerisms, clothing, quirks, looks, etc? Yep.  Some are conscious mimicking by Mason, who idolizes his big brother.  Some are purely due to family traits.
9. Who has the strongest personality? Not a fair question.  Each personality is strong in its own way. And each are vital to the story, too.
10. How does their relationship change throughout your story? It opens up to let Kelsey into the mix.


  1. Found you through the linkup! Brant and Mason's relationship sounds great. Brant sounds like a good, protective big brother. :)

  2. This sounds like a cute relationship. Mason sounds a lot like my seven year old brother :)

    1. Skye, the fact that Mason sounds like your 7-year-old brother is the biggest encouragement you could have given me! :)

  3. I'm visiting from the link up! They sound so cute! I love brotherly bonds. I have some little brothers too that Mason makes me think of. ^ ^

    Stori Tori's Blog

    1. Yay! Thank you, Victoria! And, just like I told Skye, it is so much fun for me when my characters remind you of a real person you know. :) Thanks for commenting!

  4. Aww, they sound so adorable! I love it when older siblings spend time with younger ones, and look out for them. I'd love to hear more about these two. :)


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