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The First Submission Form

     My submission form for AAM is in the mail.  This means I am committing that, whether or not I submit the other two stories, I am definitely submitting AAM.  I got wonderful feedback from a beta yesterday that thrilled my soul.  So, we're going for it (as soon as I get an email from Rooglewood saying that they received my submission form and are ready to receive the manuscript).

     I read some snippets of Rachel Heffington's writing a couple days ago and was significantly humbled.  It made my writing look like stick figures -- (very good stick figures, of course) -- next to Mona Lisa.

     Some people make a "good living" drawing stick figures.  They manage to pour enough heart and soul into those figures, and the simple pen strokes become popular and meaningful to many people.  So my stick figure drawing may not be bad.  It may just be the way I write.  But at the same time, I think it could be better.  I think, if I read good writers and study my craft, that a little bit of that will rub off on me.

      That's one of the reasons I am excited about the possibility of winning Rooglewood's contest.  Can you imagine what it will be like to work with their editors?  If my story wins, it will be because they believe in my story like I do.  And we'll be on the same team to bring out the elements in the best way.

     And that's exciting.


  1. Yay!! That's exciting that you sent your submission! You are such a talented writer, Esther, and I really hope you win!

  2. Good luck, I'm rooting for you. I am sure your writing is better than you give yourself credit for.

    1. Thank you! I'm already foreseeing myself waking up super-early on the day the contest is announced to see if they've posted results yet. Last year, I think I woke up at least 4 times in the night. Lol.
      Have you sent your submission form in yet?

  3. I'm so excited for your story!!! I got all fluttery reading that top line :)
    I've felt a bit discouraged of late, perhaps because I've had my first real bout at editing. :) Hehe. Everything just suddenly seems subpar and dry to me about my story. Plus, I've been staring at it so long now, I don't feel like I'm qualified to judge how good any of it is :( Either way though, I'm so grateful for what I've learned doing this, and how fun it's been getting to see so much diversity come out of one story!
    Best of luck to you! And I think your writing is awesome - I always love reading your snippets :)

  4. I got all fluttery reading that top line, too, Mary!!!
    Yes, yes, yes! I totally get what you're talking about. Subpar, dry, been staring at it for so long that it's not even interesting any more. Yep. I know exactly what that's like. It was worse last year than this year, thankfully, so I'm hopeful that I'll get better at staying positive through editing with practice. Like you, I'm grateful for what I learn each time I participate in this contest.
    Putting the story away and NOT LOOKING AT IT AT ALL helps a little bit. Take 2 or 3 weeks (maybe longer) away from it. And then look for ways to keep yourself excited about it.
    Just remember: even your name looks funny if you stare at it long enough. It doesn't mean it's odd or spelled wrong or anything else that your brain tricks you into thinking.

  5. That's awesome, Esther! I haven't yet sent in my submission form, but I'm still working hard on my manuscript. I've had to restart once more because my plot changed radically, but I love my new plot so much. I have also decided to write the whole thing by hand so I am slowly filling up the pages of my notebook with this story and it is so much fun. Good luck, Esther! I really hope to see your story in the final anthology.

  6. Ana! I've been thinking about you!
    That's so cool how your manuscript is coming along. I think one of mine is undergoing some radical changes -- it's SO encouraging to hear that your new plot is wonderful. It gives me hope for mine. :D
    Bravo for handwriting! I hear that the very act of writing by hand adds a good flavor to your prose, which stays even after you type it up later.


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